Endodontic Retreatment

Ideally, a root canal treatment restores a tooth and provides pain relief for years to come. However, in certain circumstances, endodontic retreatment is required on a tooth that has previously been treated with a root canal procedure. Because of this, endodontic retreatment is commonly referred to as a repeat root canal treatment.

Root canals can fail for a number of reasons. It’s possible that the tooth did not provide the endodontic access necessary to completely restore the tooth, due to curved or narrow canals or salivary contamination. Endodontic retreatment may also be required if a new decay or infection has started affecting the same tooth, or the tooth sustains a new crack or fracture.

What to Expect from your Endodontic Retreatment

During your endodontic retreatment, your endodontist will reopen your tooth to access the canal. At this point, he will likely disassemble and remove any restorative materials, like root canal filling material, crows, posts and core materials. Once removed, your endodontist will clean the canals and examine the interior of your tooth for unusual anatomy or other issues that may require treatment.

Once clean, your endodontist will fill and seal the canals with new, inert material and place a temporary filling in the tooth. Sometimes, canals are too narrow or are otherwise blocked, in which case your endodontist may recommend a surgical procedure called an apicoectomy.

Once the restoration is complete, your endodontist or dentist will place a new crown on the tooth to protect the restorative work.

Why Choose Endodontic Retreatment?

Endodontic retreatment can be a good option for patients desiring to keep their natural tooth. Successful endodontic retreatments can result in natural, healthy teeth that function perfectly for years to come. If you are not a candidate for endodontic retreatment or endodontic surgery, you may opt for tooth extraction. Call our practice today to schedule a consultation and determine a treatment plan that works for you.